Tele Health Platform: Mobile Medical Unit
Making Primary Healthcare
Accessible to Salt Pan
Workers residing in
Little Rann of Kutch

Mobile Medical Unit is an effective outreach platform that can transform rural healthcare by providing primary health care facilities in unreached regions, devoid of health centers and hospitals. The Agariya Heet Rakshak Manch (AHRM) collaborated with HOPS Healthcare for utilizing MMU as an outreach platform to provide primary health care services to 160 Salt Pan Workers living in Little Rann of Kutch (LRK).
Business Challenges
Salt Pan workers, the semi-nomadic community residing in Little Rann of Kutch had zero access to primary health care service. To avail access to a doctor, the people of the community had to travel 60 kilometers. The LRK region lacked basic medical infrastructure.
AHRM utilized Hops Health care’s Mobile Medical Unit as an outreach platform to make basic health care services available to Salt Pan Workers living in LRK
160 Salt Pan Workers
Got access to primary Healthcare services at their doorstep.
Saving Travelling Cost
Salt Pan Workers didn't have to travel 60 Kms to access healthcare centers.
Immediate Treatment
For 20 plus communicable and non-communicable diseases.
Population Health Findings
Helped Govt with health data of community members. Govt released a healthcare fund for Anganwadi for Salt Pan Workers.

Business Challenge
Taking the First Step
The LRK region was devoid of any primary healthcare services owing to it's climatic condition and its positioning; LRK is not a part of any district. GMDC was aware of the benefits of telehealth platforms & the effectiveness of utilizing Mobile Medical Unit, before we collaborated with them.
The Agariya Heet Rakhshak Manch wanted to make basic healthcare facilities available to traditional Salt Pan Workers who stayed in makeshift arrangements in the Little Rann of Kutch (LRK) for nearly 8 months.

We effectively utilized Hops Healthcare’s Mobile Medical Units and through this outreach program we were able to extend primary health care services to the left out community of Salt Pan Workers.
- Managing Director - AHRM

Taking healthcare closer to home of Salt Pan Workers
By utilizing MMU as an outreach platform (AHRM) was able to provide basic healthcare screening and diagnostic facilities to the community, at their doorstep.
Impact Story
Hops Healthcare’s MMU and screening drive saved traveling and healthcare expenditure cost of the community. A report of 160 people’s screening was sent to AHRM which later was submitted to Gujarat Government. Looking at the deteriorating condition of the community members, govt. released specific funds for Anganwadi for the welfare of salt pan workers. The platform was utilized effectively to promote preventive healthcare and educated the community about common medical conditions like blood pressure, anemia, acidity, malaria, chronic conditions like asthma and more.