A Mobile Clinic, Transforming Health Care Services in Remote areas
Mobilizing Primary Healthcare for socio-economic groups in areas where medical infrastructure is sparse.
Providing primary, preventative, curative, healthcare services at Low cost
Collaborating with the Governments, NGOs, and Corporates to boost public healthcare services
Key Highlights
Transforming rural healthcare landscape by making
Primary Care accessible in inaccessible areas
Mobile Medical Units
Operating in Gujarat, India
Tele Medicine Calls
Burden Reduction of Public
Health Centers for Primary Care
Villages Visited of
7 different districts
Inside Van View
One of its kind Mobile Medical Unit that can perform more than 50+ pathology tests and provides various health screening & diagnostic facilities to provide primary healthcare outreach services in different locations.
Van Details
Force Motor Ltd, Travelers 3350/3700 fitted with GPS tracker and Vehicle tracking system.
Health Services
Our Mobile Medical Unit is operated by Medical officer, a nurse & a technician cum phlebotomist. It is equipped with various integrated, digital medical devices that allows Medical staff to conduct preliminary check up and proper diagnosis. It covers various healthcare services for
Non Communicable
Disease -
Disease -
Maternal &
Child Health -
Testing -
Oral Health
Ear, Nose, Throat -
Approach and
A complete infrastructure to operate a general physician clinic & clinical diagnosis capabilities
Operations & Clinical
Diseases | Services | Equipment |
Cardiovascular Diseases |
Specific screening and questionnaire for risk factor total cholesterol & components, Creatine, Kinase and more |
Screening for COPD, Asthma Pulmonary Function Test |
Specific Screening & history taking, Blood & Urine sugar, HbA1C, S. Amylase, S. Lipase |
Lifestyle Diseases risk factor for NCD such as Tobacco, alcohol & Stress by Screening and/or Assessing Liver profile, Immuno-essays, lipid profile |
Treatment and Management of common ailments such as fever, body-ache, common cold etc. General Examination, Body Vitals Hematology – 21 Parameters, CRP |
Early Detection and prevention of community outbreak of common communicable diseases such as Malaria, Typhoid, Diarrheal diseases etc. Physical Examination, Body Vitals, Complete Blood Count, Malaria P. Falciparum & P. Vivex Ag; Chikungunya Ag; Dengue NS1 & Combo Ab; Rapid Typhi IgM, Serum Electrolytes. |
Ante-Natal & Post-Natal Check up as per WHO guidelines, Immunization Clinic; Treatment of common childhood illness Treatment & management of common RTI/STIs, Adolescent counselling Family Planning Services |
Basic Oral Health check-up, oral ulcers, submucosal fibrosis and other screening for oral cancers Common hematology blood tests |
Screening for common ailments. Common hematology blood tests |
Screening for infectious skin diseases, skin cancers and other skin related conditions Specific Tele-Dermatology module. |
Screening & basic management of Mental Health ailments. Questionnaire algorithm for common mental disorders such as Depression & anxiety |
Anterior and Posterior Retina Check Retinopathy, Cataract, Glaucoma Screening, Eyesight checking, Fundoscopy, refractive error tests |

ICT Platform
Supports video conference calling
Specific specialization modules & accessibility to the users
Biometric Registration for Patients
Equipped with Drug Storage
Ability to Integrate Gov Benefits and Tracking
Runs on Android Tablet via USB, WIFI & Bluetooth
Director Dashboard for KPI that allows Physician to connect with the central staff
Health Data Analytics for Population Health Program.
VSAT provides 99.9% connectivity in remote location
Online & Offline support for smooth functioning in absence of internet connection
Referral Capacity without data loss. Digital Can transfer records
Direct access to patient’ data for daily monitoring
HIPAA Compliant System
Clinical Support
- Customizable Template for recording Patient’s Chief Complaint & Personal History
- Customizable Lab Test alerts with High, low & Critical indication
- Director’s Dashboard - KPI dashboard that allows centrally viewing of all location data
- Billing Module with an option to create a waiver & percentage to cover Govt’s healthcare schemes
- Specific Modules for Ante Natal Care visit
- Conclusion Dashboard allows Physicians to review pending tasks
MMU Benefits
Primary Healthcare Service at the doorstep of vulnerable and marginalized communities
Reducing Patient walk-ins at Government health centers and Hospitals
Low Infrastructure cost compared to setting up Health centers in remote location
Saving daily wages, traveling cost of patients staying in remotest location
Prevents high cost healthcare expenditure of BPL group
A platform that helps in creating awareness and increase the outreach of Govt healthcare schemes
Early detection of Non - communicable disease
Covers most of the maternal & child health services including ante-natal, post-natal & immunization as per the government guidelines.
Early detection of high risk pregnancies. Promotes institutional deliveries to reduce maternal deaths
Quality Adherence
Addressing, Tracking & Monitoring abilities for quality care delivery to rural population.
Daily tracker for the updates from MMU operating team
GPS System with live location tracking
Regular visits by team manager for each operating MMU
Weekly calls and updates with the village/district head where MMUs are operational
Use Case
Making Primary Healthcare Accessible to Salt Pan Workers residing in Little Rann of Kutch
Primary healthcare services & diagnostic facilities made available to 160 people in remote villages of Little Rann of Kutch