Tele Health Platform: Health Kiosks
Strengthening Remote health centers in villages of Dwarka with Point of Care - Health Kiosks

To provide better Point of Care facilities and to strengthen the remote peripheral health centers of the Dwarka District, HOPS Healthcare’s Health Kiosks were deployed at four centers as a part of Project Tushti. The aim of the project is to improve healthcare facilities, aid the medical staff at the center with quick, real time Point of Care diagnostics facilities that include more than 12 hematology and Biochemistry tests, including quick check up report and the guidance from specialists, doctors through telemedicine video consultation feature available with the kiosks.
Business Challenges
The project Tushti in collaboration with Nayara Energy, IIPHG and JSI India and Gujarat Government aims to make Dwarka district free of malnourishment and upgrade the primary healthcare system at peripheral centers. The health centers with limited staff were in need of better point of care facilities to provide quality patient care in the region. The Project Tushti involved HOPS Healthcare as technical implementation partner for deploying Health Kiosks at four centers in Dwarka Districts.
The Health kiosk deployed at all the four locations have enabled the medical staff to provide better patient care. It saves them time and allows them to connect with experts through telemedicine consultation feature and patients receive better access to primary healthcare services at the centers.
Video Consultation on Daily Basis
People Diagnosed in 4 months
Approx 12,000 people of 4 villages will be benefited

Business Challenge
The public healthcare system in rural areas of Gujarat state required upgradation and better point of care screening and diagnostic facilities for peripheral centers in Dwarka District. Medical staff at the center faced numerous challenges like increase in patient walk-ins, lack of digital testing equipment, and limited medical infrastructure. The peripheral centers required better Point of Care Testing equipment and better healthcare screening facilities to improve patient care.

Because of Health kiosk facility, there is a decrease in the ratio of patients going to civil hospital & private hospital to access non-emergency healthcare services. With the ICT platform medium, a facility to send Patient record and their reports to tertiary center is been made. Due to this reference mechanism has also become strong.
- Dr. Mrunal Mehta, Project Co-Ordinator, Tushti Resources

Our Health Kiosks strengthened the Point of Care facilities at the health centers and equipped medical staff to provide quality primary healthcare services. It covers more than 12 pathology testing parameters that include hematology and biochemistry tests. It provides instant health check-up report covering monitoring vitals summary including Blood Pressure, Blood Glucose, lipid profile, Blood Oxygen Saturation, temperature, height, weight, BMI (Body mass index) hemoglobin, 12 lead ECG pulse rate and more. It also covers various health screening programs that include screening, diagnosis and testing for communicable and non-communicable diseases. Salient features of the Kiosks like biometric registration (finger print authentication), instant report and video conferencing for specialists’ consultation enables medical staff to provide better primary healthcare services.
Impact Story
The people at the bottom of the pyramid residing in rural areas where peripheral centers are the only source to access primary healthcare facilities are able to receive better healthcare facilities and services. They no longer need to travel to cities to get primary healthcare services. It saves them time and money they would incur while traveling to cities. Health centers recorded an average of 15 plus video consultation and in just three months more than 3,000 patients have bene registered and 5000 people have availed healthcare facilities at these four peripheral centers.